A day full of love and emotion.Francesca and Fabio

A wedding proposal arrived on the beach at sunset could only be the anticipation of an emotional and full of love wedding day.
Waiting for the bride and groom, in a small church in Cologna Paese, a typical italian village that rises at the top of green hills near the Adriatic Sea, there were families and friends, for a touching and intense ceremony.
After a romantic walk into the country, through majestic trees and sunset light, the wedding party went wild in a refined and elegant venue. DIY details made by the bride and groom, as the placeholders, wonderful fragrances, dances and drinks for an intense wedding day.
This is Francesca and Fabio’s story.




Ciao sono Adriano e fotografo istanti d'amore dal 1988.
Con me c’è sempre mia moglie Manola e ci lasciamo ispirare dai materiali naturali e dalle infinite forme creative dell’artigianato, perché crediamo nell’unicità di ogni storia che raccontiamo.

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La tua storia d’amore è in buone mani.

É una promessa.

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