Outdoor wedding in Abruzzo Italy

Donjeta and Alessio get married in a hot August afternoon, crowning their dream with a touching outdoor celebration, at Casa de Campo, amongst Abruzzo ulive trees and sunny hills, together with their families, their friends and their small son Francesco.
Everything of that day told about their love: Donjeta’s elegance, bridesmaids light blue dresses, Alessio’s touched gaze, the ceremony holded by an intimate friend, the big hugs to their son. But what tells better about their love are the words from bride and groom:

“In our story everything has been simply spontaneous, it seemed we were born to complete each other. So we immediately decided  to spend the rest of our lives together.
The birth of our son Francesco is the essence of our love.  We needed just one more detail to make everything even more special: in a hot August Wedsneday we promised eternal love to each other, in front of our son and our beloved ones, becoming wife and husband.

These pictures hold all we are together and they are able to tell the poetry of those unforgettable moments more than thousand words.”


Ciao sono Adriano e fotografo istanti d'amore dal 1988.
Con me c’è sempre mia moglie Manola e ci lasciamo ispirare dai materiali naturali e dalle infinite forme creative dell’artigianato, perché crediamo nell’unicità di ogni storia che raccontiamo.

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La tua storia d’amore è in buone mani.

É una promessa.

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