A Wedding as Red as China: Giulia and Kevin

Kevin and Julia, these are bride and groom’s names.
She comes from Abruzzo, central Italy; he comes from Hong Kong, and it’s there that they met and it was love at first sight.
A “made in Italy” marriage with a tribute to the Chinese wedding, having as theme the “red” color, that has been the underlying theme of the entire ceremony: from the invitations to the bouquet, from the decorations to the guests’ name cards and at least to the “tableau de marriage”.
To break the mold a blue FIAT 500 led by the bride.
A stunning landscape made up of Abruzzo hills where the couple had a promenade.
A romantic dinner lit by small oriental flavored ampoules, in a villa surrounded by Teramo coast beautiful greenery.


Ciao sono Adriano e fotografo istanti d'amore dal 1988.
Con me c’è sempre mia moglie Manola e ci lasciamo ispirare dai materiali naturali e dalle infinite forme creative dell’artigianato, perché crediamo nell’unicità di ogni storia che raccontiamo.

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